Expert Tutors. Personalised Learning for Every Student.
Our co-founders, Tracey and Peter Hand are passionate and experienced teachers who understand how students learn most effectively.
With a core focus on improving the academic progress of students, our team of highly qualified and experienced educators design lessons based on the Australian National Curriculum, and teach students using brain researched teaching strategies.
Our online approach enables students to access high-quality, individualised learning programs regardless of where they live. Students can participate in their online lessons or workshops from their own home, while they are being looked after by their grandparents or even while they are travelling. This flexibility enables student’s tutoring lessons to occur from anywhere, at any time, without disrupting their family’s schedule. All students need to participate in Optimise Learning’s education programs is access to the internet and their computer.
Qualified tutors teach students in our secure online classroom. Lessons are live, and as they are recorded, students can watch and review what was taught to them, following their lesson.
Our education team has developed a range of teaching resources for tutors to use during their lessons, that are based on and reference the Australian National Curriculum. To keep updated with their child’s academic progress, parents are able to log on to our secure student dashboard to read lesson overviews written by their child’s tutor.
Our focus on building up the self-confidence of each student, as well as developing their academic skills, knowledge and understandings, leads to improved learning outcomes and school achievements.
We also strive to help students really enjoy their learning.
Over the last 7 years, our education team has assisted thousands of students to develop confidence in their ability to learn and improve their academic performance at school. We can assist your child too!
If you are visiting our website for the first time-we would love to meet you. Why not book a FREE trial lesson for your child today!
Optimise Learning is Assisting Students All Over Australia
Start Optimising Your Child’s School Achievements Today!
Our academic tutoring services have assisted hundreds of students throughout Australia to develop their self-confidence, and improve their achievements at school.
Contact us to discuss your child’s learning needs and academic goals.