Our expert tutors assist Secondary students to maximise their learning, improve their grades and prepare for the senior years of school.
Our personalised tutoring lessons for Secondary School Students have been shown to improve their self efficacy, as well as their academic results.
High school is a very different learning environment to primary school.
In secondary school students need to adjust to many changes. Secondary school students need to learn and adjust to a variety of teachers, teaching and assessment styles, teacher expectations, as well as being taught in different classrooms. They will also need to adapt to different peer group combinations in their different classes.
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High school students are expected to be independent, self-reliant and self-motivated learners. Students need to manage a heavier homework schedule and follow an unfamiliar, complex timetable. Those students who are struggling to reach expected standards in each subject area have even more to cope with! Students in their senior years of secondary school can feel daunted by the school work becoming more difficult and by the extra pressure to perform academically.
Secondary students are also experiencing normal developmental changes at this time, including physical changes. Some students going through puberty experience emotional swings and an increased desire for independence.
Our qualified tutors have an in-depth knowledge of the Australian National Curriculum and as they have experience teaching in secondary schools, they are also familiar with the challenges and changes secondary students are facing on a daily basis.They are neither held back or hurried. Lesson content is mapped to the Australian National Curriculum and tailored to the specific learning needs of each student. Our tutors focus on providing students with the learning experiences they need to improve their academic understandings, skills and knowledge,and achieve their best result.
“When you are sitting in a classroom with a teacher and 20 other kids it is very difficult to speak up about issues you might be having, or problems you don’t understand or maybe you’re not really getting a good grasp on the content in class. When you are able to supplement that with one-to-one tutoring you are able to go through the specifics of what you don’t understand or ask the questions that you have. You can pick the areas that challenge you and strengthen them by having one-to-one lessons with a tutor.”
George – Year 11
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Our academic tutoring services have assisted hundreds of students throughout Australia to develop their self-confidence, and improve their achievements at school.
Contact us to discuss your child’s learning needs and academic goals.