Our expert tutors teach students in our secure online classroom, using brain-researched teaching strategies and teaching resources mapped to the Australian National Curriculum.
How It Works
Our online tutoring services have the potential to accelerate your child’s learning and improve their academic achievements at school.
At Optimise Learning we understand that for a variety of reasons, not all students achieve the results they are capable of at school.
Our goal is to assist students to gain confidence in their learning abilities and reach their full academic potential. We achieve this goal by providing students with personalised online tutoring services that are mapped to the Australian National Curriculum, exactly the same curriculum that Australian students are being taught at school
Lessons are tailored to meet the individual learning needs of each student and are students are taught by qualified tutors using brain-researched teaching strategies in our secure online classroom. Explicit feedback is provided to students in each of our online individual and small group tutoring sessions. Parents can track their child’s progress by logging on to our student dashboard and reading comments written by their child’s tutor.
Our education team provides personalised tutoring services of the highest standard to students of all abilities, regardless of where they live in Australia.
Our expert tutors teach students in our secure online classroom, using brain-researched teaching strategies and teaching resources mapped to the Australian National Curriculum.
Tutoring Hours
Individual (One-To-One) Tutoring Lessons
Individual tutoring lessons can be scheduled when it suits your family, anytime from 6:00am-9:00pm, 7 days a week. Let us know when your child would like their individual tutoring lesson! As our aim is to provide personalised and flexible learning options for every student, we try to fit in with your schedule!
Small Group Lessons
Our small group tutoring lessons involve up to 4 students working with 1 tutor. Small group lessons are scheduled at specific times, as indicated below. We also schedule small group tutoring lessons and workshop programs over the school holidays.
3:30PM-4:15PM AEST
Year 2 Mathematics
Year 7 English
4:30PM-5:15PM AEST
Year 8 English
3:30PM-4:15PM AEST
Year 2 English
Year 3 Mathematics
4:30PM-5:15PM AEST
Year 5 Mathematics
3:30PM-4:15PM AEST
Year 4 Mathematics
Year 5 English
Year 7 Mathematics
4:30PM-5:15PM AEST
Year 6 English
Year 8 Mathematics
3:30PM-4:15PM AEST
Year 3 English
Year 4 English
4:30PM-5:15PM AEST
Year 6 Mathematics
Optimise Learning is Assisting Students All Over Australia
Start Optimising Your Child’s School Achievements Today!
Our academic tutoring services have assisted hundreds of students throughout Australia to develop their self-confidence, and improve their achievements at school.
Contact us to discuss your child’s learning needs and academic goals.