Tutoring For Students Studying Chinese at School.
Online Tutoring Can Improve Your School Results in Languages
Language learning provides students with the opportunity to broaden their social, cultural and employment prospects in our increasingly interconnected world.
If your child is studying a language other than English at school, our expert tutors can provide them with individualised one-to-one or small group tutoring in the language they are studying, from the comfort of their own home. We are currently providing specialised tutoring for Australian students studying Mandarin.
Mandarin Language Tutoring
Students learn to use spoken and written Chinese to interact in a range of contexts. They use pinyin to transcribe spoken texts and use characters to create written texts. Students learn to use a range of sentence structures and grammatical features, including prepositional phrases to describe participants and adverbs to express time, tense and frequency of events. They learn to translate texts and produce bilingual texts, recognising that not all concepts can be readily translated Chinese and English.
What Our Parents & Students Have To Say
Start Optimising Your Child’s School Achievements Today!
Our academic tutoring services have assisted hundreds of students throughout Australia to develop their self-confidence, and improve their achievements at school.
Contact us to discuss your child’s learning needs and academic goals.