Our expert tutors prepare students for the new academic year.
Set Your Child Up For Success In the New School Year
Did you know that over the Decembers/January school holiday break many students will lose approximately 20% of the academic gains they made in reading, and 27% of the academic gains they made in maths during the previous school year?
Recent studies have proven that students lose significant knowledge over their summer break, which can have a snowball effect as they experience subsequent skill loss each year.
Professor James Kim, from Harvard University claims younger students are prone to the most learning loss during the ‘Summer Slide’, as students in the first three years of school learn a lot more than students do in the later years of school. Kim states,
“Things like decoding, letter knowledge and word reading skills are very susceptible to decay without frequent practice, as are math facts like addition and subtraction.”
Each January we host our popular ‘Beat The Summer Slide’ workshop programs for students from year 1 to year 10.
To set themselves up for a positive and confident start to the new school year, students are able to participate in our ‘Beat The Summer Slide’ workshop programs at their year level. Each program consists of 5 consecutive workshops and focuses on revising key Mathematics and English concepts prior to the next school year commencing.
Workshops are live and taken by qualified and experienced tutors. Students can participate in our ‘Beat The Summer Slide’ workshop program with up to 4 other students from the same year level, from the comfort of their own home, or from wherever they are on holidays because all they need is a computer and access to the internet.
Up to 5 students from similar year levels can participate in each ‘Beat the Summer Slide’ workshop program, which is live, and facilitated by a qualified and experienced tutor. Optional homework tasks are provided following each workshop, enabling students to revise, practise and consolidate the skills that were focused on.
Our ‘Beat the Summer Slide’ workshop programs are scheduled during January.
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Our academic tutoring services have assisted hundreds of students throughout Australia to develop their self-confidence, and improve their achievements at school.
Contact us to discuss your child’s learning needs and academic goals.