Our expert tutors provide Gifted and Talented students with the learning experiences they need to develop their extraordinary potential.
Is your gifted child being provided with the learning experiences they need to fully develop their unique potential?
Gifted and Talented students have the capacity to learn at a faster rate, and to a deeper level than is considered ‘typical’ for their chronological age.
‘GIFTEDNESS’ refers to a student’s outstanding potential or ability in one or more domains. Examples include intellectual, creative, socio-emotional, and sensorimotor.
‘TALENT’ refers to outstanding performance or achievement in one or more fields within these domains. Examples include writing, mathematics, science and technology, art, athletics and languages.
At Optimise, we understand that gifted students have unique learning needs, and that not all gifted students have access to the learning experiences they require, to fully develop their potential.
It is vitally important for gifted students to receive explicit teaching and learning tasks that challenge them, in order for them to fully develop their talents and potential. Gifted students who are not catered for or challenged in their learning can develop emotional problems, and become unmotivated and disinterested in school, which can lead to chronic underachievement.
Our individualised online tutoring services cater for students with diverse abilities and learning styles, including students who are gifted and talented. Our education team have developed workshop programs specifically designed for gifted and talented students, that are facilitated by tutors with experience in gifted education. These workshop programs provide opportunities for gifted students to work with other gifted students, to solve complex creative challenges, in a variety of ways.
Workshops for Gifted Students
Click a button below to learn more about our workshops for gifted students.
Talent emerges from giftedness as a consequence of the student’s learning experiences.
– GAGNE 2016
What Our Parents & Students Have To Say
Is your gifted child being provided with the learning experiences they need to fully develop their unique potential?
Is your gifted child enjoying learning at school? Is their motivation or confidence declining?