Our expert tutors prepare students for a positive and confident start to Primary School.
Our personalised school readiness programs prepare young children for the primary school classroom environment.
Whilst young children learn through active play and interactions with others, our school readiness programs add an important layer to their learning and development in preparation for beginning primary school. Recommended for students who are completing the second semester of their preschool year, our online programs for preschool students are facilitated by qualified tutors with teaching experience in the foundation year ( also known as prep or kindergarten in some Australian states), of primary school.
Starting school is a very important time in the life of a student.
The transition from a preschool setting to primary school is often referred to as the most important transition a student will make during their school life. In the first years of school, students are building foundations that will support all of their future learning.
Students who participate in our school readiness programs are involved in a range of learning experiences to support their development in a variety of ways including:
- Developing confidence in their ability to learn,
- Extending their capacity to focus on tasks,
- Developing their understanding of early literacy and numeracy concepts,
- Consolidating their ability to comprehend and follow instructions,
- Extending their creative thinking abilities,
- Nurturing their intrinsic curiosity as well as their innate desire to learn and understand.
Each of our resource sets have been specifically designed to advance the skills of young students. By completing our early reading and writing tasks students are developing their ability to recognise and use familiar and common letters in correlation with *Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.
*Achievement Standards describe the expected knowledge, understanding and skills of students at each year level. You can read more about Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards HERE.
Our overarching goal is to assist young students to develop a love of learning, develop positive attitudes towards themselves as learners and to experience a positive and successful start to primary school.
What Our Parents & Students Have To Say
Give Your Child the Optimise Advantage
Our academic tutoring services have assisted hundreds of students throughout Australia to develop their self-confidence, and improve their achievements at school.
Contact us to discuss your child’s learning needs and academic goals.